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"Saffron is born from the earth, but the experience it unveils is a secret belonging to the sky"
Damiano Ferraretti - Casale California Farm
Zafferano italiano puro in pistilli

Nature e Quality

The Best Saffron?

The best Saffron is the one that is completely sustainable, originating from synergistic, organic, regenerative, biodynamic agriculture…


Precision farming and harmony come together in a small plot of land in Emilia where Saffron, “Red Gold” (red like Ferrari, Lambrusco, cherries), expresses itself in its purest form. It is rich in nutrients and brings great benefits to those who enjoy it.


Values and stories to tell of true agricultural craftsmanship.

Zafferano Segreto - Pure Italian Saffron in Threads (or Stigmas)

Zafferano italiano puro in pistilli

A Sensory Experience

Natural flavors and aromas are enchantments that energize, bridging the gap between spirit, soul, and body. They enter the breath, the flesh; they instantly permeate our senses like intimate friends, allies to seduce and provide pleasure.


The drying of the saffron threads is now complete, and through a silent aging process, taste and fragrance take shape. Engaging aromas emerge, revealing secret nuances that transform the alchemical process into a delightful experience.


Saffron is a spice of ancient essence, hailing from a distant time and asserting itself through the senses.


The saffron flower is born from the earth, but the story, the experience it unveils, is a secret that belongs to the heavens.

Zafferano italiano puro in pistilli
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Cooking Preparation (for 2 people)

Zafferano Segreto... "Una fuga dalla gabbia confortevole della tradizione per liberare la creatività." Carlo Alberto Borsarini, La Lumira - ristorantelumira.com
Zafferano Segreto... "Una spezia, un ingrediente che usato nella sua giusta misura dona ai piatti immediatezza! Se lo rispetti, se lo sai usare, se lo conosci." Roberto Carcangiu, Chef - Formatore - Docente - www.carcangiu.com

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